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Welcome to this book, a one-of-a-kind compilation of stories and commentaries on our friend Timi Alaibe. I am delighted to have been called upon to write this short Foreword as a precursor to the many fascinating stories you will find in this book.

Perhaps one of the biggest myths in all of life’s ponderances is that geniuses are only born, and not made. But, I believe that when someone with an outstanding and towering intellect sees things that most people have hardly seen before, that someone is a genius. When that someone, with a dint of hardwork and visionary inclinations finds solutions to difficult puzzles that have stymied and eluded the greatest of minds, that person is a pure genius.

Perhaps most importantly, when a genius, in the path of greatness, recognizes the impact, the importance and the principles of collective minds and ideas in the pursuit of common goals and ultimate successes, the brilliance of that genius shines through.

Time Alaibe, is that Genius.

To write a Foreword to introduce a compendium of several write-ups by friends and family of Timi, each writing dwelling in specific periods, topics and events in his life, is a daunting but sweet task. But, I will keep it short and simple, and will allow our writers to deal with varying details of the endearing aspects of Timi’s storied life.

For me, or for anyone for that matter, to write about someone and refer to that person as a genius, is an audacious risky proposition and may become an overstretched embellishment or an imagined phenomenon. It means that you have put that person in the company of Albert Einstein and other great thinkers of our times in whose exclusivity that appellation is reserved. I am very willing to
put my friend Timi in that class and category. I will take this risk and will defend it vociferously with absolute intrepidity, because I have closely observed this man’s mind at work and at play. I have witnessed his sangfroid display of remarkable endeavours. Timi’s assiduous, indefatigable, laborious and diligent application of efforts at his tasks are something to behold. I have seen from close range what many who know him may have been deprived of seeing; a man with ideas that explode in such spectacular ways, but with such understated manner and obeisance.

I chose the theme; Genius in this Foreword after very careful consideration. To behold in our society today the lack of men and women of original ideas and commitment, and the paucity of people with intellect and visionary gifts is overwhelmingly prevalent and disturbing. The desideratum of gifted talents in our nation-building endeavours has become a prerequisite for us all. Therefore, my choice of the word, Genius in this Foreword is felicitous and appropriately relevant when you listen to, or read some of Timi’s positions on politics, national affairs, banking, security, and other related issues. He speaks with such clarity of mind and purpose, thus giving ample credence and added impetus to my risky postulation to his standing in my books and in those of so many other friends and foes alike.

When you read from friends and family in this book, you will clearly agree with me that our Timi is a very gifted and talented man. You will now see the many significant milestones that he has reached in life. You may now, concatenate what you now know about this man, and the reason I call him a genius.

Timi is a veritable thinker, a principled politician, a great leader, a peacemaker and a man of quiet dignity and stupendous valour. In Timi, I find that to be a great and successful leader, you must strive to develop and empower the people that follow you; by embracing the philosophy and idea that the ultimate test of a great leader is the ability of that leader to spread the seeds of joy and happiness to his followers.

Timi is endowed with a sharp and strategic mind that is filled with charm and humour. He deploys these natural God-given virtues in building a network of trust, support and friendship across barriers of time, tribes, distances,
ethnicities, religions and cultures. He has created a wide map of political, social and other networks that span beyond his Ijaw nation and across the world.

Timi’s wide reach across nationalities is evident in the Igbo title bequeathed on him by his father. Madukaibeya; this powerful and endearing Igbo name and title has been very significant in Timi’s life’s journey. Loosely translated in Igbo, Madukaibeya which means; a person who is greatest amongst his peers, is a clear manifestation and testimony of Timi’s destiny and destination to greatness from time. And, Timi’s ability to bear and carry this reverence and title with rapt humility and unparralled calmness, is quite remarkable and a proclivity to his affable nature.

To find the true value and the incipient worth of a man, you have to view him through the prisms of his family life. When life threw a wicked and nasty curved- ball at Timi and snatched his beautiful and dutiful better half from us, he became a father, a mother and a guiding angel to his adorable children. Just take a good look at how well he has singlehandedly raised these children, and you will then appreciate the genius in the man.

Timi Alaibe occupies a special place in the hearts of so many people who love him. He has a unique vantage post and position in the annals of the history of our land. In this book, the sweet narrative of his epic journey so far, presents us all with our own perspectives on life; on our own personal relationships with God, family and friends. We may pause and ponder by asking ourselves; have we contributed our individual quotas to the upliftment of our nation; have we lent helping hands to needy friends; have we been like Timi in our own life’s journeys? I hope that we can all say yes, even if to only 10 % of Timi’s sacrifices and achievements.

I am indeed honored to be a part of this significant tribute to Timi Alaibe as he turns 60 years. What makes his story so special is that he is a real human being who cares deeply about his family, his friends and his people. As I welcome you to relax and enjoy Timi’s story, and his infectious optimism, I thank him for his loyalty to our friendship and for our mutual love for family and friends.

Dr. Okey Anueyiagu.